Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Humbling Experience...and a New Niece!!

Yesterday was one of those days...a day that I realized that I absolutely CANNOT do it all.  It's really too crazy to even put into words.  A series of decisions that resulted in a lot of tears and disappointments, feelings of guilt and condemnation, and ultimately, the realization that I NEED HELP.  From my lovely and gracious colleagues at work, from my husband who took over when I needed him to, from lovely girlfriends who spoke truth when I needed to hear it, from God above all, especially when the tears were falling and I couldn't see through them into reality. 
Today, when I awoke with my babes in arms, snuggled close, it was all better.
And when I looked at my phone and saw the smiling chubby cheeks of my new niece, Lilly, all was right with the world.
And I remembered the most important thing about yesterday was that my brave sister birthed a beautiful baby girl, and her husband stood by brave as could be to support them both, and I am truly blessed.

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