Friday, August 3, 2012

Here... where we've lived for 4 years.  Here is where I lost baby #2 and gave birth to beautiful baby #3, Savannah!  Here is where I've figured out how to be the doctor that I want to be, someone who makes a difference, someone who listens, someone who is affected by her patients even more than she affects them, sometimes.  Here is where we found a church home and family that will forever change the way we think about church.  Here is where I've had to learn to be content in any situation...and I haven't quite learned it yet.  Here is where we've gone through ups and downs (a lot of downs) and learned that our marriage is worth fighting for.  Here is where we still are, until we get There, where things won't necessarily be better, but different, and we will have new experiences to go through, new lessons learned, and new chances to learn Contentment.  Here, I will miss you...  But the good thing about life, is that there will always be a Here to live through, to grow through, and to learn from...

"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!"--Dr. Seuss.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I admire you....mother, and doctor, and wife! Brava!

  2. Life is all about "here" and "there" and I enjoyed reading your post!!!

  3. I am so excited to read that where you are you learned that your marriage is worth fighting for. Words very, very close to my heart. I have never heard anyone else, but myself and my Covenant Love say those words out loud. is where I now write and I write of such a love as yours that wasn't afraid to fight. So happy to have read your words, really happy.

  4. Such a heartfelt post. The right church home makes all the difference, doesn't it?. Wonderful post!
