I was baptized as an infant, raised in a Catholic Christian home, confirmed into the faith as a teen, and really embraced Christianity as my own faith while in high school. Jesus has just always been my Savior. I heard lots of stories of newly converted Christians getting baptized as an outward sign of the inner change that occurs once you accept Jesus into your heart. I teach my children that when they are old enough, they can get baptized to tell the world that Jesus is their Savior. But I never thought adult baptism was for me.
A few months ago, our church was doing a bible study called "Rooted," and we met every week in my small group to discuss basic foundations of the faith. Of course, one of the weeks covered baptism. I shared that I didn't really feel that I needed to get baptized again. The girls in my group are not shy, and they lovingly pointed out where in the Bible it says that basically I should.
"Baptism is an important step in our journeys as followers of Christ and an outward symbol of the work He has already done in our lives. Some people wonder if baptism is required for salvation. No, it's not. However the two are connected. The Lord commanded, 'Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit' (Matthew 28:19). The Word of our Lord is sufficient warrant for baptism of believers. No further authority is needed." "Baptism is a symbol of the covenant of salvation." "Eleven times in the book of Acts we see that immediately after someone believed in Jesus that person was baptized." --From Rooted.
I ended the night in tears, saying that I did not want to get baptized. (Why not??) But of course, God was working on my heart.
A few weeks later, I was teaching Sunday School to my first graders, and we were learning about when John the Baptist baptized Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17). It was the Beginner's Bible edition. John basically says to Jesus, "I should be baptized by YOU!" And Jesus replied, "I want to do what is right." I remember thinking, "Wow, even Jesus got baptized. Hmm. Maybe I SHOULD get baptized." Moved on. After class, I went to service, and wouldn't you know, the next baptism class was announced. I clearly felt God telling me to sign up. So I did.
And tomorrow I'm getting baptized! I'm kind of nervous. I'm relieved that I am finally practicing obedience to the Lord in this area. And I'm excited to join my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in the beautiful sacrament of baptism.
"Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood and now I'm changed
And now I'm stronger
There must be something in the water
Oh, there must be something in the water
And now I'm singing along to amazing grace
Can't nobody wipe this smile off my face
Got joy in my heart, angels on my side
Thank God almighty, I saw the light
Gonna look ahead, no turning back
Live every day, give it all that I have
Trust in Someone bigger than me
Ever since the day that I believed I am changed
And now I'm stronger
There must be something in the water"--Something in the Water by Carrie Underwood
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