Sunday, October 11, 2015
Dance Like Cinderella...
The music was playing boisterously. The notes drew us to stop and listen. A crowd had gathered around an older couple, the man wearing a T-shirt advertising the name of the band, the woman wearing a Disneyland T-shirt and blue tutu skirt. They were dancing in step, swing dancing it looked like, reminding me of when I tried to swing dance back in college. My daughter was standing with us, but she inched forward, step by step, and I saw her toe point, her leg lift slightly off the ground. I knew she wanted to dance. She walked further and further into the circle, by herself, still seeming shy and hesitant. I recognized this as a moment, one that she might remember for just today, but one that I would always remember. I embraced the moment and asked her if she would like to dance with me. Her entire countenance lit up brightly as her little hands took mine. I danced with her, dipped her, twirled her around. She loved it. I glanced over and saw three other little girls tapping their feet, inching closer, their mom on her phone. I beckoned to them, "Come dance," and just like my daughter, their faces immediately lit up as they giggled, held hands, and ran into the mix. As I continued to dance with my sweet one, I took notice around me, more and more people were abandoning pretense and starting to join us. Two college aged girls grabbed hands and skipped awkwardly right through the middle of the "dance floor," laughing, as their friends giggled from the sidelines. It was so refreshing to see so many people just enjoying the moment like I was, Mickey Mouse ears on and all. My son was still on the side. I reached out my hands to him, beckoning, "Do you want to come, too?" At first he shook his head no, but then he jumped all in with fancy footwork and handstands, laughing just like the rest of us. What a magical memory, I am so glad I didn't miss it...
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Weekend highlights
Feeling blue right now, winding up a great weekend with the kiddos. Wanted to jot down some highlights to remember:
--taking Jackson on a date Friday night for dinner and a movie while Savannah and Daddy had a date, too!
--10 mile run Saturday morning with my fave running partner, Julie
--Savannah practicing to put her hair in a ponytail/bun just like her mommy--she got it!
--Jackson graduating from Tiger Cub to Wold Cub at the Cub Scout End of Year Campout
--Savannah earning a belt loop for biking at Cub Scouts (even though she is OBVIOUSLY not a cub scout) due to her learning to ride a bike without training wheels this week!\
--Jackson giving Savannah the sweetest hug after she received her belt loop and saying, "Congratulations, Savannah!"
--taking a cat nap on the beach at Jordan Lake this weekend while the kiddos played (under Dad's supervision, of course!)
--being able to cheer up Savannah on the LONG hike back to the campsite from the beach, by playing her favorite song on my phone (and thus avoiding having to carry her all the way home, score!)
--both kids falling asleep on the way home from camping
--watching my Sunday school kids recite their memory verse on this last day of Sunday school for the year: way to go, class!
--finding the perfect bench to go at the foot of our bed (at Home Goods, what a steal!)
--updating my shower curtain for the first time in about 10 years :)
--snuggling with the kids at bedtime tonight
Ahh, what a great weekend. Now off to do notes for work...
--taking Jackson on a date Friday night for dinner and a movie while Savannah and Daddy had a date, too!
--10 mile run Saturday morning with my fave running partner, Julie
--Savannah practicing to put her hair in a ponytail/bun just like her mommy--she got it!
--Jackson graduating from Tiger Cub to Wold Cub at the Cub Scout End of Year Campout
--Savannah earning a belt loop for biking at Cub Scouts (even though she is OBVIOUSLY not a cub scout) due to her learning to ride a bike without training wheels this week!\
--Jackson giving Savannah the sweetest hug after she received her belt loop and saying, "Congratulations, Savannah!"
--taking a cat nap on the beach at Jordan Lake this weekend while the kiddos played (under Dad's supervision, of course!)
--being able to cheer up Savannah on the LONG hike back to the campsite from the beach, by playing her favorite song on my phone (and thus avoiding having to carry her all the way home, score!)
--both kids falling asleep on the way home from camping
--watching my Sunday school kids recite their memory verse on this last day of Sunday school for the year: way to go, class!
--finding the perfect bench to go at the foot of our bed (at Home Goods, what a steal!)
--updating my shower curtain for the first time in about 10 years :)
--snuggling with the kids at bedtime tonight
Ahh, what a great weekend. Now off to do notes for work...
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Something in the Water...
God has always spoken to me through music and songs. For the past few months, I have really loved the song, "Something in the Water" by Carrie Underwood. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it is a country pop song, but the underlying theme is water baptism.
I was baptized as an infant, raised in a Catholic Christian home, confirmed into the faith as a teen, and really embraced Christianity as my own faith while in high school. Jesus has just always been my Savior. I heard lots of stories of newly converted Christians getting baptized as an outward sign of the inner change that occurs once you accept Jesus into your heart. I teach my children that when they are old enough, they can get baptized to tell the world that Jesus is their Savior. But I never thought adult baptism was for me.
A few months ago, our church was doing a bible study called "Rooted," and we met every week in my small group to discuss basic foundations of the faith. Of course, one of the weeks covered baptism. I shared that I didn't really feel that I needed to get baptized again. The girls in my group are not shy, and they lovingly pointed out where in the Bible it says that basically I should.
"Baptism is an important step in our journeys as followers of Christ and an outward symbol of the work He has already done in our lives. Some people wonder if baptism is required for salvation. No, it's not. However the two are connected. The Lord commanded, 'Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit' (Matthew 28:19). The Word of our Lord is sufficient warrant for baptism of believers. No further authority is needed." "Baptism is a symbol of the covenant of salvation." "Eleven times in the book of Acts we see that immediately after someone believed in Jesus that person was baptized." --From Rooted.
I ended the night in tears, saying that I did not want to get baptized. (Why not??) But of course, God was working on my heart.
A few weeks later, I was teaching Sunday School to my first graders, and we were learning about when John the Baptist baptized Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17). It was the Beginner's Bible edition. John basically says to Jesus, "I should be baptized by YOU!" And Jesus replied, "I want to do what is right." I remember thinking, "Wow, even Jesus got baptized. Hmm. Maybe I SHOULD get baptized." Moved on. After class, I went to service, and wouldn't you know, the next baptism class was announced. I clearly felt God telling me to sign up. So I did.
And tomorrow I'm getting baptized! I'm kind of nervous. I'm relieved that I am finally practicing obedience to the Lord in this area. And I'm excited to join my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in the beautiful sacrament of baptism.
"Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood and now I'm changed
And now I'm stronger
There must be something in the water
Oh, there must be something in the water
And now I'm singing along to amazing grace
Can't nobody wipe this smile off my face
Got joy in my heart, angels on my side
Thank God almighty, I saw the light
Gonna look ahead, no turning back
Live every day, give it all that I have
Trust in Someone bigger than me
Ever since the day that I believed I am changed
And now I'm stronger
There must be something in the water"--Something in the Water by Carrie Underwood
I was baptized as an infant, raised in a Catholic Christian home, confirmed into the faith as a teen, and really embraced Christianity as my own faith while in high school. Jesus has just always been my Savior. I heard lots of stories of newly converted Christians getting baptized as an outward sign of the inner change that occurs once you accept Jesus into your heart. I teach my children that when they are old enough, they can get baptized to tell the world that Jesus is their Savior. But I never thought adult baptism was for me.
A few months ago, our church was doing a bible study called "Rooted," and we met every week in my small group to discuss basic foundations of the faith. Of course, one of the weeks covered baptism. I shared that I didn't really feel that I needed to get baptized again. The girls in my group are not shy, and they lovingly pointed out where in the Bible it says that basically I should.
"Baptism is an important step in our journeys as followers of Christ and an outward symbol of the work He has already done in our lives. Some people wonder if baptism is required for salvation. No, it's not. However the two are connected. The Lord commanded, 'Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit' (Matthew 28:19). The Word of our Lord is sufficient warrant for baptism of believers. No further authority is needed." "Baptism is a symbol of the covenant of salvation." "Eleven times in the book of Acts we see that immediately after someone believed in Jesus that person was baptized." --From Rooted.
I ended the night in tears, saying that I did not want to get baptized. (Why not??) But of course, God was working on my heart.
A few weeks later, I was teaching Sunday School to my first graders, and we were learning about when John the Baptist baptized Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17). It was the Beginner's Bible edition. John basically says to Jesus, "I should be baptized by YOU!" And Jesus replied, "I want to do what is right." I remember thinking, "Wow, even Jesus got baptized. Hmm. Maybe I SHOULD get baptized." Moved on. After class, I went to service, and wouldn't you know, the next baptism class was announced. I clearly felt God telling me to sign up. So I did.
And tomorrow I'm getting baptized! I'm kind of nervous. I'm relieved that I am finally practicing obedience to the Lord in this area. And I'm excited to join my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in the beautiful sacrament of baptism.
"Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood and now I'm changed
And now I'm stronger
There must be something in the water
Oh, there must be something in the water
And now I'm singing along to amazing grace
Can't nobody wipe this smile off my face
Got joy in my heart, angels on my side
Thank God almighty, I saw the light
Gonna look ahead, no turning back
Live every day, give it all that I have
Trust in Someone bigger than me
Ever since the day that I believed I am changed
And now I'm stronger
There must be something in the water"--Something in the Water by Carrie Underwood
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
New Year!
It's a new year, and of course the time for resolutions. I used to make an exhaustive list of resolutions on New Year's Eve, usually including resolutions about exercise, reading my Bible more often, eating better, journaling more regularly, etc. That got a bit overwhelming over the years. For the last few years I have started picking a "word" for the year. This way, it's like an overriding theme that I can think and meditate on, but it's not so much that if I don't do a certain thing, I "fail" my resolution.
The word for 2015 is:
To me, this encompasses a lot of my goals for the year.
I would like to have more of a regular quite time with God; I have started the "She Reads Truth" Bible in a Year plan to help me; it's on my phone which means I can read on the go, which is helpful.
But I would like to be on my phone less, being more present in my life and daily interactions. This is especially true with my children. I would like to really enjoy my time with them more, and not through the distracted murmuring that I do sometimes when I am looking at my phone.
I would like to continue my marathon training, not with a "I need to work out 5 times per week" goal, but continuing to be mindful about my time to exercise and really enjoying it when I do.
I would like to read more books instead of watching TV or messing around on my computer or phone.
I would like to be more mindful of my money and what I spend it on, as well as what is in my home, striving to de-clutter and simplify my life as much as possible.
I'm really excited to get started on this new year. It will be full, as Jackson starts playing basketball, Savannah continues to dance, and they will turn 7 and 5 this year! I will run a marathon and I just really look forward to see what God has in store. I had no idea He would lead me on this road, but I am so glad that He did.
"Whatever you do, do well." Ecclesiastes 9:10
The word for 2015 is:
To me, this encompasses a lot of my goals for the year.
I would like to have more of a regular quite time with God; I have started the "She Reads Truth" Bible in a Year plan to help me; it's on my phone which means I can read on the go, which is helpful.
But I would like to be on my phone less, being more present in my life and daily interactions. This is especially true with my children. I would like to really enjoy my time with them more, and not through the distracted murmuring that I do sometimes when I am looking at my phone.
I would like to continue my marathon training, not with a "I need to work out 5 times per week" goal, but continuing to be mindful about my time to exercise and really enjoying it when I do.
I would like to read more books instead of watching TV or messing around on my computer or phone.
I would like to be more mindful of my money and what I spend it on, as well as what is in my home, striving to de-clutter and simplify my life as much as possible.
I'm really excited to get started on this new year. It will be full, as Jackson starts playing basketball, Savannah continues to dance, and they will turn 7 and 5 this year! I will run a marathon and I just really look forward to see what God has in store. I had no idea He would lead me on this road, but I am so glad that He did.
"Whatever you do, do well." Ecclesiastes 9:10
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