The hubby and I were just talking last night about the state of affairs of our family.
This Thanksgiving and Christmas, for a variety of different reasons, we are unable to be with our extended families. It's "just us." There is an element of sadness to that, but we were reflecting on how far we have come this past year as a family, just the four of us, together.
We have together figured out what it's like to be a family with an Exceptional Child.
We have together forged our way in a new neighborhood and made plentiful good friends.
We have together established a church home where we all feel loved and able to love others well.
We have together relied on Christ alone to get us through various financial and emotional hardships.
And of course He has come through every time.
Together we walk to school on Friday mornings.
Together we snuggle in bed in the mornings (who knew a king sized bed could feel so small! There were 4 in the bed and the mommy said...get off my pillow!!)
I love my sweet family. I wouldn't trade them for the world. And I'm so happy God put us together to do this life.
Way to go Sarah. Visiting from FMF. You nailed the "together" thought.