I haven't blogged in awhile. We've been trying to get adjusted to JW being back at home, which has been great. Plus, I've been at the hospital on call a lot, which is always a challenge. Jackson has been great as usual. He seems to get cuter every day. My big accomplisment (?) lately is that I've been trying to wean him. Last week, I fed him milk from a cup at bedtime and only nursed him 2x/day. This a.m. started my attempt to cut out the morning feeding. When he woke up crying at 5am wanting milk, I went downstairs first, got his milk ready in his sippy cup, and went up to feed him. He took it down like a champ, I was really surprised, and he didn't ask again for "mommy" milk all morning! This will be an interesting week, because JW is doing another camp, this one at Upland Hills Farm in Oxford, so Jackson will be watched by Jenny Webster, JW's mom, and me of course. I think he'll be just fine. He is very adaptable, thankfully. Here are some cute pics of him lately:

Playing with the Nostalgic "Little People" I got him

Cheesing for the camera

Looking dapper in his new outfit

Jamming to Daddy's ipod shuffle

Looking scholarly in Grandma's glasses
I love the photo of him in his polo and shorts! He looks ready to go with daddy to the golf course!