--taking Jackson on a date Friday night for dinner and a movie while Savannah and Daddy had a date, too!
--10 mile run Saturday morning with my fave running partner, Julie
--Savannah practicing to put her hair in a ponytail/bun just like her mommy--she got it!
--Jackson graduating from Tiger Cub to Wold Cub at the Cub Scout End of Year Campout
--Savannah earning a belt loop for biking at Cub Scouts (even though she is OBVIOUSLY not a cub scout) due to her learning to ride a bike without training wheels this week!\
--Jackson giving Savannah the sweetest hug after she received her belt loop and saying, "Congratulations, Savannah!"
--taking a cat nap on the beach at Jordan Lake this weekend while the kiddos played (under Dad's supervision, of course!)
--being able to cheer up Savannah on the LONG hike back to the campsite from the beach, by playing her favorite song on my phone (and thus avoiding having to carry her all the way home, score!)
--both kids falling asleep on the way home from camping
--watching my Sunday school kids recite their memory verse on this last day of Sunday school for the year: way to go, class!
--finding the perfect bench to go at the foot of our bed (at Home Goods, what a steal!)
--updating my shower curtain for the first time in about 10 years :)
--snuggling with the kids at bedtime tonight
Ahh, what a great weekend. Now off to do notes for work...