Monday, January 28, 2013
First Day of Preschool...Again!
So my son has an autism spectrum disorder. Still learning about what that means, but what is still the same, thankfully, is that I know how to be his mommy. And today he FINALLY started his new preschool after being MIA for almost 4 months. And though we bit our nails and prayed fiercely, HE DID GREAT! So great that husband and I decided to celebrate, and we went all toy at Target, haircut at SportClips, dinner at a pizza place, and a cake. Heck, we wanted him to know that it was a BIG DEAL to "listen to his teacher" today. And I think he got it. But tomorrow he'll probably ask for cake again. At least there's leftovers. :) I thank God for the little victories, like today. Tomorrow is a new day, good or bad, but one thing's the same, I have an amazing little boy. (and girl, of course, more on her later.)
Friday, January 18, 2013
Five Minute Friday: Cherished
Dear daughter, do you know that you are cherished by me? Do you know that you do not need to win the approval of anyone on this earth, because I simply adore you? Do you know that when you awake in the morning, I can't wait to see your smiling face? Do you know that I absolutely love to watch you sleep at night? I love it when you call out to me for help; I love it when you thank me for the little things. I love watching you love on your little ones. That love that you feel for those two babes, multiply it by a thousand and you STILL would not come close to the amount of love that I feel for you. Remember, dear one, I sent my one and only Son to DIE for YOU.
When you are tired of caring for others, remember I care for you.
When you are tired of being up all night with little ones, remember I keep watch all night over you.
When you feel defeated, remember I defeated the grave. I won the battle so that you don't have to fight it.
Keep pressing on, dear one; you are CHERISHED. LOVED. ADORED. If by no one else, by ME.
(Just a reminder that God cherishes each and every one of us. Remember that.)
When you are tired of caring for others, remember I care for you.
When you are tired of being up all night with little ones, remember I keep watch all night over you.
When you feel defeated, remember I defeated the grave. I won the battle so that you don't have to fight it.
Keep pressing on, dear one; you are CHERISHED. LOVED. ADORED. If by no one else, by ME.
(Just a reminder that God cherishes each and every one of us. Remember that.)
Friday, January 4, 2013
Five Minute Friday returns...Opportunity!
from the Five Minute Friday series at
When I first think of the word "opportunity," I think of job opportunities, "the opportunity of a lifetime." But today, when I saw this topic, I immediately (surprise, surprise) thought of the littles. My kids. And what an opportunity I have to be their mom, to raise them up in God's word. I've been speaking more of God into their little ears these last few days of 2013. For example, Jackson asked where God was; I told him "in heaven. But also in our hearts." He responded, "But I can't feel Him." Ding, ding, ding, an idea came to me. I beckoned him over and told him to close his eyes and I would help him to feel God. I gave him a great big hug and loved him hard, and asked him if he felt it, to which he responded, "yes." Yay! I then asked him to help Daddy feel God, and sure enough, he repeated the process. What a blessing. He's also into princes and kings lately, and I told him that Mommy and Savannah were God's princesses, and he and Daddy were soldiers in God's mighty army. He wanted to be a prince, so I allowed him that, but told him princes are soldiers too sometimes, ha. It's really fun to think of filling their heads with wisdom for a lifetime instead of just the ABCs and such. Hopefully, Jackson will be back at school next week, another change, but it comforts me to know that God is teaching my kids through me, and what an opportunity it is for me to use every moment with them to teach them God's love.
When I first think of the word "opportunity," I think of job opportunities, "the opportunity of a lifetime." But today, when I saw this topic, I immediately (surprise, surprise) thought of the littles. My kids. And what an opportunity I have to be their mom, to raise them up in God's word. I've been speaking more of God into their little ears these last few days of 2013. For example, Jackson asked where God was; I told him "in heaven. But also in our hearts." He responded, "But I can't feel Him." Ding, ding, ding, an idea came to me. I beckoned him over and told him to close his eyes and I would help him to feel God. I gave him a great big hug and loved him hard, and asked him if he felt it, to which he responded, "yes." Yay! I then asked him to help Daddy feel God, and sure enough, he repeated the process. What a blessing. He's also into princes and kings lately, and I told him that Mommy and Savannah were God's princesses, and he and Daddy were soldiers in God's mighty army. He wanted to be a prince, so I allowed him that, but told him princes are soldiers too sometimes, ha. It's really fun to think of filling their heads with wisdom for a lifetime instead of just the ABCs and such. Hopefully, Jackson will be back at school next week, another change, but it comforts me to know that God is teaching my kids through me, and what an opportunity it is for me to use every moment with them to teach them God's love.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Year!
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."--Philippians 4:4-7
Today is New Year's Day, a day of resolutions, of reflecting on 2012 and thinking of ways to make 2013 even better. I recently read a blog post about choosing a word for the year. I've decided to make my word "PEACE." A search on Bible Gateway yielded 249 verses including this word, so I think I have a lot of reading and meditating to do! The above verse from Phillipians came immediately to mind, as does the reference to the fruit of the spirit:
Galatians 5:22-23:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. "
We have now moved to such a serene environment, there is peace surrounding us, and I want there to be peace IN us. The Prince of Peace, as He is called in Isaiah 9:6, wants soooo much to give me His peace:
John 14:27:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
My husband agrees with me that this would be a great "word" for 2013, although I think he is thinking more along the lines of, "A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel."--Proverbs 15:18. I definitely need to work on that, too. :)
So looking back on 2012, the highlights/lowlights were:
Looking ahead to 2013, I hope to:
Today is New Year's Day, a day of resolutions, of reflecting on 2012 and thinking of ways to make 2013 even better. I recently read a blog post about choosing a word for the year. I've decided to make my word "PEACE." A search on Bible Gateway yielded 249 verses including this word, so I think I have a lot of reading and meditating to do! The above verse from Phillipians came immediately to mind, as does the reference to the fruit of the spirit:
Galatians 5:22-23:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. "
We have now moved to such a serene environment, there is peace surrounding us, and I want there to be peace IN us. The Prince of Peace, as He is called in Isaiah 9:6, wants soooo much to give me His peace:
John 14:27:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
My husband agrees with me that this would be a great "word" for 2013, although I think he is thinking more along the lines of, "A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel."--Proverbs 15:18. I definitely need to work on that, too. :)
So looking back on 2012, the highlights/lowlights were:
- hearing God's guidance to move back to North Carolina and planning for that big move
- my dad taking a job in China
- my mother in law retiring from her teaching ministry
- my dear cousins adopting sweet baby Reagan, a long-awaited blessing
- fellowship with the BEST CHURCH EVER, New Life Christian Fellowship
- moving to North Carolina
- leaving behind a great job and service but starting a new job that brings me so much joy and peace
- graduating from the National Health Service Corps, finally
- our son being diagnosed with sensory processing disorder, developmental delay, and autism-spectrum disorder
- buying our first house and moving in
- my sister getting pregnant, yay!
Looking ahead to 2013, I hope to:
- get plugged into my new church, Chapel Hill Bible Church
- make some new girlfriends and "couple" friends and reconnect with some friends I haven't seen in a few years
- work out at least 3 times a week
- read my Bible every day, even if just a page from my devotional, "Jesus Calling"
- teach my children how to love the Word of God
- learn how better to help Jackson succeed in life
- date my husband more
- be an aunt!!
- learn how to keep up a home
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