This post is a little late, but I wanted to post about Jackson being officially 2 and a half years old this month! 30 months, I can't even believe it. It's getting to the point where he is more of a little boy than a baby! These 2 and a half years with Jackson have been amazing, and I am really enjoying watching him grow and learn every day. Jackson, at 2 and a half:
-you wear a 2T still, but it seems that in the past week you are sprouting up, so now I will buy 3T from now on
-you wear size 5 diapers
-you will not potty train yet
-you are now in preschool 2 days a week
-you are a big brother!
-your fave breakfast is "mush," aka oatmeal; bananas; yogurt; milk
-you want chicken nuggets and ketchup every day for lunch
-you sometimes surprise me by trying out what I make for dinner, but often you only take 2 bites (my rule) and call it quits
-you snack on granola bars and fruit
-you still love playing outside, especially at the playground and on the tractors
-you still love dates with Mommy at Barnes and Noble or Starbucks
-there is nothing you CAN'T say, and your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds; it's truly amazing what you understand and remember
-I love you Jackson, and I'm so proud of the little man you are becoming!