Happy 2009, Welcome in 2010. Our pastor just gave a fantastic sermon last week about beginning again in 2010. He focused on making the Lord the Lord of our:
1. Tongue
2. Temper
3. Talents/Treasures/Time
4. Relationships
I really want to focus on #3. I didn't realize I had such a temper, but this year I have let the devil get a foothold in my mind in this area, and I would much rather that God be in control. Being angry and sitting there steaming about things does no good, it only makes me bitter and miserable. I want to be happier. So that's one of my resolutions.
2. Continue to eat healthfully and exercise regularly, without making it "one more thing I have to do." Maybe I'll start yoga again, just to change it up a bit, so as not to make my workouts so boring.
3. Give myself a break more. I think I'm too hard on myself. I try to do so many things all the time, I get upset when I can't do them all wonderfully.
4. Be happier with my husband. I just bought a book at Anthropologie called "Finding Happiness Together," and there are 60-75 different tips on how to do this. It's all about the little things, and I want my home to be full of joy!
5. Be in the word every day. I really want this so that I can grow closer to the Lord this year.
That's enough resolutions I think. I want to make them reasonable. I remember when I was younger, the resolution list would be really long, and it would always include, "Write in my diary/journal every day," which usually lasted less than a month. It also always included, "Be nicer to my sister." Ha! I still have my journals where I listed my resolutions (usually on page 1 as I started a new diary for the year--only half filled), I should pull them out and see what I wrote back then.
This year will be great, full of changes of course, which seems to happen every year. Baby Ruff #2 will be born in July, and I can't wait to see how this pregnancy goes! I heard its heartbeat again today at clinic, just for fun, and it was very strong and very loud. Praise the Lord!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy New Year!

Well, we survived Christmas. Unfortunately, everyone in the family EXCEPT Jackson has been sick, starting with me on Christmas day. Not so fun. But we are better, and we're praying for the family members that are still recovering. A yucky GI thing. No fun. But little J had a blast, he thoroughly enjoyed his presents this year, it was a lot better than last year. His fave gift was definitely the bulldozer he got from my Nana. But he's doing a good job not discriminating; he plays with all of his toys a little so they don't feel left out. :)
Jackson did the cutest thing last night in the car. I was listening to my music, and I heard him saying something repeatedly. I turned the music down, and he was saying, "One, two, three!" It was super cute. I guess he and his dad play a game and count like that, I was so happy to hear him say that.
Also, the last two nights I think he has been so excited to sleep in his own bed that he won't even let me rock him, he just says, "Bed, bed," and I put him in his crib and he goes to sleep on his own. My little baby is growing up!
Speaking of babies, I must officially announce on my blog that I am almost 12 weeks pregnant, hurray! I will be blogging more about my pregnancy now that the news is out.
Tomorrow...New Years' Resolutions...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Three More Days...
We're counting down the days before Christmas now! I only have one more day of work left this week, provided none of my pregos go into labor (knock on wood). Today was a fun day off. I had to wake up early, unfortunately, because of Mr. Early Bird (aka Jackson), but JW let me have another hour of sleep a little later in the a.m., which was much appreciated. The family went to the Y, where I had a really good workout for once--it's SO much better to work out in the daytime than at 9pm, I just have so much more energy! At home, Jackson took a nap and I set out to finish my library book which was due back today--"The Friday Night Knitting Club." It was SO good, but I cried, which made Jackson come over and say, "Mama? Hold, hold!" He's so funny. Then we cleaned a bit, played, and I headed out for a doctor's appointment--more about that another day. JW had to play guitar tonight, so it was just me and little J for dinner. I made Bruschetta Chicken Bake, which Jackson loved, surprisingly! After dinner, the troops were getting restless, so I took Jackson out to Barnes and Noble just on a whim. It turned out to be a great idea! We went to the Kids' area, where they had a Thomas the Train table and set all set up and ready to play with--Jackson had a blast! We played for nearly a half hour! Jackson' faves were the mixer and Terence the "Bulldie." No surprise there. Then, Mommy needed a Starbucks, and Jackson got his milk and a granola bar that I had in the bag. We had a great day. I love my outings with Jackson.
Friday, December 11, 2009
It's The Holiday Season...
Well, Christmas is in full swing at the Ruff house. We started out by cutting down our very own live tree at Kluck's Nursery this week, then by decorating it. Jackson is doing surprisingly well with all of the decorations. I arranged the ornaments so that the unbreakable ones are at his level, which really helps.

Today, it was just the two of us on a much needed day off, so we headed out to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth. We had such a wonderful time; I only regret not bringing the stroller in, my arms certainly got a workout.
We perused the ornaments, and I picked out an Elmo one for Jackson. Then, we waited in line to see Santa, or "Ho Ho" as Jackson likes to call him. He wasn't too happy about sitting on his lap, but he really enjoyed sitting with a stuffed Elmo that was just his size!

Even though he didn't take a nap today, I really enjoyed time with my little guy. I'm ready for Christmas!

Today, it was just the two of us on a much needed day off, so we headed out to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth. We had such a wonderful time; I only regret not bringing the stroller in, my arms certainly got a workout.
We perused the ornaments, and I picked out an Elmo one for Jackson. Then, we waited in line to see Santa, or "Ho Ho" as Jackson likes to call him. He wasn't too happy about sitting on his lap, but he really enjoyed sitting with a stuffed Elmo that was just his size!

Even though he didn't take a nap today, I really enjoyed time with my little guy. I'm ready for Christmas!
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